Stock workspaces and enquiries

Use the stock workspaces and enquiries to investigate and find information about your stock items and transactions. You can find information about stock levels and stock movements.

You can amend workspaces to display data to suit your business processes or current task. You can use the filter options and column selector to choose the data that is displayed.

You can use the Workspace Designer to change the content or to create your own workspaces. You can add or remove content and change the available actions, the reports, the columns and how they are displayed, the default filters used for the toolbar filter and so on.

In the desktop application, workspaces can be opened from the Workspaces option on the main menu or from the options available on the Enquiries and other menus within each module.

If you open workspaces in a web browser, you select the module and then the workspace required. For example, selecting a workspace for the Nominal Ledger would be done by selecting Nominal Ledger and then the required workspace.

The following workspaces and enquiries are available in Stock Control:


View Stock Item Details

View Stock Item Details is an enquiry form.

The stock item settings and associations on the stock item are displayed, such as item type, locations and alternatives.

To view stock item details:

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > View Stock Item Details.

  • Select the stock item.

View Stock Item Balances

View Stock Item Balances is an enquiry form.

To view stock item balances:

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > View Stock Item Balances.

  1. Select the Stock item.
  2. To view the details of the stock item click View Item Details.
  3. To view the transactions that make up a balance, select the balance at Warehouse balances level and click View Item History.
  4. Batch/serial numbered item: If the stock item is a traceable item, click Serial No Details or Batch No Details to view the serial and batch number details.

View Stock Item History

View Stock Item History is an enquiry form.

To view stock item history:

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > View Stock Item History.

  1. Select the stock item using the Item history selection options.
  2. Select the Current History tab to view the current transactions you are interested in.
  3. Select the Archived History tab to view the historical transactions you are interested in.
  4. Batch/serial numbered item: click Serial No Details or Batch No Details to view further details such as the item's batch/serial numbers and, if available, the Sell By and Use By dates.
  5. To view the breakdown for a transaction, select the transaction from those displayed and then select the Show details check box.
  6. To generate a printed copy of a transaction, select the transaction from the displayed list and click Print.
  7. To refine the displayed list use the Item history selection options.
    1. To view transactions for a particular warehouse, select it from the Warehouse drop-down list.
    2. To view transactions in a date range, enter the date range from and to into the date boxes.
    3. To filter the displayed list by Movement type, Account type or Analysis codes click Advanced Selection. The Show Item History Advanced window is displayed.
    4. Enter the selection requirements using the lists.
    5. Click Apply. The window closes and the results are displayed in the View Stock Item History window.
    6. To search in the displayed list click Find. The Find window is displayed.
    7. Enter text that can be used to search for the transaction in the Find box.
    8. Select the column you want the search performed in.
    9. Select the Match criteria (any, start and whole).
    10. Click Find First and then Find Next until you find the transaction you are searching for.
    11. Click Close. The window closes and you return to the View Stock Item History window.

View Batch/Serial No Details

View Batch/Serial No Details is an enquiry form.

To view batch/serial number details:

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > View Batch/Serial No Details.

  1. Select the Stock item.
  2. The Current Serial number details tab or Current Batch details tab is displayed, depending on whether the selected stock item uses serial or batch numbering.

  3. If you use multiple locations, you can use the Warehouse list to view items at a specific location.
  4. To view the receipt, issue, allocations or location details for a displayed item record, select the item record and select the Show Details check box.

    Note: If you select more than one item in the list, no details are displayed.

  5. To search in the displayed list, click Find and enter the details required for the search.
  6. To view the attributes for an item, click Attributes. The traceable item attributes for the selected item are displayed.
  7. If you have archived any batch or serial numbers, you can view these details on the Archived Serial number details tab.

View Archived Batch/Serial No Details

View Archived Batch/Serial No Details is an enquiry form.

To view archived batch/serial number details:

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > View Batch/Serial No Details.

    By default, the Archived Serial number details tab is displayed (or the Archived Batch number details tab if you select a batch numbered stock item).

  1. Select the Stock item.
  2. To view the receipt or issue details for a displayed item record, select the item record and select the Show Details check box.

    Note: If you select more than one item in the list, no details are displayed.

  3. To search in the displayed list, click Find and enter the details required for the search. The receipt, allocation, issue or location details are displayed in the list at the bottom of the window depending on your selection.

View Monthly Trading Figures

View Monthly Trading Figures is an enquiry form.

To view monthly trading figures:

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > View Monthly Trading Figures.

  1. Select the Stock item.
  2. Select either the Sales Analysis tab or Purchase Analysis tab to view the figures you are interested in.
  3. To filter the displayed trading figures click Refine Analysis. The Trading Analysis Advanced Selection window is displayed.
    1. Enter the selection requirements using the lists.
    2. Click OK. The Trading Analysis Advanced Selection window closes and the results are displayed in the View Monthly Trading Figures window.
  4. To view the transactions that make up the figures for a particular month, select the period from those displayed and then click View Detail.
  5. To generate a printed copy of the displayed trading figures click Print.

View Buying Prices

View Buying Prices is an enquiry form.

To view stock item buying prices:

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > View Buying Prices.

  1. Select the Stock item.
  2. To view the stock receipts that make up the buying price, select the Buying price and then click View Receipts.

Traceability Enquiry (Manufacturing Only)

Traceability Enquiry is an enquiry form.

This enquiry lets you view traceable items in the system. It is only available when you are using Manufacturing.


If you used allocate or build in the Bill of Materials module, you will not be able to see information for sub-assemblies.

If you used the Works Order Processing module to build, then you will be able to see information for sub-assemblies.

To trace items:

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > Traceability Enquiry.

  1. Select the Information Type. None is selected by default.

    Select the specific information type you are looking for from the drop-down list.

  2. Enter the Value.

  3. You can enter the exact value, or use a wildcard: %, *, _ or ?.

  4. Enter the date From which to search.

  5. Enter the date to search To.

  6. Select the Exact Match check box to find an exact match to your entry in Value.

    Note: Do not select Exact Match if you are using wildcards in the Value.

  7. Click Find.

    Items of the Information Type which match the Value are displayed in a list.

  8. To view information for a particular item, select that item in the list.

    You can see more details by clicking the plus sign next to the item or click Expand All to see more details for all items in the list.

    Details are displayed below the list. These details may contain links to further enquiry windows.

    • Click any of the links below the list to display further information about the item.

  9. To print items in the list, click Print.

  10. To print an item and its descendants (visible by clicking the plus sign next to the item), select the item in the list, right-click and select Print.


Stock Status

Stock Status is a workspace.

Use this to see an overview of the current status of your stock items, including the quantity in stock, the amount allocated, cross-selling items, and the location for a particular stock item.

You can:

  • Highlight a stock item and see the details, locations, receipts and prices, suppliers, alternative items, cross-selling items, memos, comments, search categories, attachments and units of measure.
  • Open a related workspace with the content already filtered. For example, if you want to view the transactions for a specific stock item, select the item (using the check box) and choose Actions > Stock Current Transaction Enquiry. The Stock Current Transaction Enquiry workspace opens with the list of transactions filtered for the selected item.

    Note: This option is not available if you have more than one row selected.

  • Desktop only - Complete related tasks from the list of Actions, such as amending an item, allocating or adding stock.
  • Add a memo to an stock item. Select the item (using the check box) and choose Actions > Add Memo.
  • Sort and filter the list of stock items. Use the filter options to find information such as stock items by product group, all stock items in a certain locations, stock items by movement type or a combination of these.
  • Search for a specific stock item. For example, use the toolbar filter to find a stock item by code or item name.
  • Print a list of the stock items that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of stock items that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Run related reports.

Current Transactions

Current Transactions is a workspace.

Use this to see information about your current stock item transactions such as movement history and allocation details.

You can:

  • Highlight a stock transaction and see the details of that transaction.
  • Open a related workspace with the content already filtered. For example, if you want to view the stock item details for a specific transaction, select the transaction (using the check box) and choose Actions > Stock Status Enquiry. The Stock Status Account Enquiry workspace opens with the list of stock items filtered for the selected transaction.

    Note: This option is not available if you have more than one item selected.

  • Sort and filter the list of stock transactions. Use the filter options to see information such as, all transactions related to a specific location, transactions by movement type (sales order or purchase order and so on) or transactions by movement in or out.
  • Find a specific transaction. For example, use the toolbar filter to find a transaction by stock code, name, or location.
  • Print a list of the documents that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of documents that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Run related reports.

Archived Transactions

Archived Transactions is a workspace.

Use this to see information about your archived stock transactions such as movement history and transaction details.

You can archive your stock transactions using the Stock Control > Utilities > File Maintenance > Archive stock item History option.

You can:

  • Highlight a stock transaction and see the details of that transaction.
  • Open a related workspace with the content already filtered. For example, if you want to view the stock item details for a specific transaction, select the transaction (using the check box) and choose Actions > Stock Status Enquiry. The Stock Status Enquiry workspace opens with the list of stock items filtered for the selected transaction.

    Note: This option is not available if you have more than one item selected.

  • Sort and filter the list of stock transactions. Use the filter options to see information such as, all transactions related to a specific location, transactions by movement type (sales order or purchase order and so on) or transactions by movement in or out.
  • Find a specific transaction. For example, use the toolbar filter to find a transaction by stock code, name, or location.
  • Print a list of the documents that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of documents that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.

Traceable Transactions

Traceable Transactions is a workspace.

Use this to see the transaction history for your traceable items.

You can:

  • Highlight a traceable stock item and see the transaction history for the item as well as its details, locations, allocations, suppliers, units of measure, memos and attributes.
  • Select a transaction for a selected batch/serial number and see details of the transaction source document.
  • Desktop only - Complete related tasks from the list of Actions, such as assign or amend a batch /serial number.
  • Sort and filter the list of traceable numbers. Use the filter options to find information such as a list of the batch/serial numbers for a specific stock item.
  • Search for a specific stock item or traceable number.
  • Print a list of the batch/serial numbers that you are interested in.
  • Print a list of the transactions for the selected batch/serial number that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of batch/serial numbers that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Export the list of transactions for the selected batch/serial number that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Run related reports.

Traceable Items

Traceable Items is a workspace.

Use this to see information about all your traceable stock items. You can see details of the batch or serial numbers, quantities, locations, receipts, allocations and attributes.

You can:

  • Highlight a traceable stock item and see the details, locations, allocations, issues and attributes.
  • Open a related workspace with the content already filtered. For example, if you want to view the details for a specific traceable item, select the item (using the check box) and choose Actions > Stock Status Enquiry. The Stock Status Enquiry workspace opens with the list of stock items filtered for the selected transaction.

    Note: This option is not available if you have more than one item selected.

  • Desktop only - Complete related tasks from the list of Actions, such as assign or amend a batch /serial number.
  • Sort and filter the list of stock items. Use the filter options to find information such as all traceable numbers for a stock item or location, or stock items by location.
  • Search for a specific stock item or traceable number. For example, use the toolbar filter to find an item by its name, code or traceable number.
  • Print a list of the stock items that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of stock items that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Run related reports.

Allocated Stock

Allocated Stock is a workspace.

This shows an overview of your top ten most allocated stock items by warehouse and by bin. The chart in first panel displays a breakdown of your most allocated stock items.

You can:

  • Select a stock item from the chart and see details of the stock levels by warehouse and the item details, suppliers, alternative stock items, batch serial numbers, units of measure and memos.
  • Select a warehouse to see the stock levels by bin and the warehouse details.
  • Print a list of the stock items that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of stock items that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.

Monthly Trading Figures

Monthly Trading Figures is a workspace.

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > Monthly Trading Figures.

This is only available in the desktop:

Use this to see the monthly trading history for your stock items and the transactions that make up the monthly trading figures. Your stock items, monthly trading figures and transactions are displayed on three panes.

You can:

  • Highlight a stock item to see the monthly trading figures (the quantity and value bought and sold per month) for that item.
  • Highlight a month to see the transactions, sales order and purchase orders that make up the monthly figures.
  • Open a related workspace with the content already filtered. For example, if you want to see the sales orders relating to a specific transaction, select the transaction(using the check box) and choose Actions > Stock Current Transaction Enquiry. The Stock Current Transaction Enquiry workspace opens with the list of transactions filtered for the selected item.

    Note: This option is not available if you have more than one row selected.

  • Sort and filter the list of stock items, monthly figures or transactions. For example, use the filter options to find information such as stock items by product group or by quantity in stock.
  • Search for a specific stock item, month or transaction. For example, use the toolbar filter to find a stock item by code or item name, or the trading figures by month or year.
  • Print a list of the stock items, months or transactions that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of stock items, months or transactions that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Run related reports.

Stock Profitability

Stock Profitability is a workspace.

Use this to see the revenue, cost and profit of your stock items and allows you to identify profitable and non-profitable items.

You can:

  • Highlight a stock item and see a list of orders and returns for that item as well as details about the selected stock item such as locations, memos, and units of measure.
  • Highlight a sales order or return for a selected stock item and see details of the order or return.
  • Desktop only - Complete related tasks from the list of Actions, such amend stock item details, add or allocate stock.
  • Sort and filter the list of stock items. Use the filter options to see a list of your most or least profitable items.
  • Find a specific stock item or transaction. For example, use the toolbar filter to find a stock item by code or name or a transaction by date or value.
  • Print a list of the stock items or transactions that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of stock items or transactions that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Run related reports.

Stock Item Search

Stock Item Search is a workspace.

Use this to locate your stock items by using search categories.

You can:

  • Highlight a search category and value and see all the stock items with that category and value.
  • Create a filter for a category to see all the stock items that have that category applied regardless of category value.
  • View the details of a stock item.

    Select the item (using the check box) and choose Actions > Stock Status Enquiry. The Stock Status Enquiry workspace opens with the list of transactions filtered for the selected item.

    Note: This option is not available if you have more than one row selected.

  • View the transactions for a stock item.

    Select the item (using the check box) and choose Actions > View Current Transactions. The Stock Current Transaction Enquiry workspace opens with the list of transactions filtered for the selected item.

    Note: This option is not available if you have more than one row selected.

Who Supplies What

Who Supplies What is a workspace.

Use this to see the information about the suppliers of your stock items. You can see all the suppliers of a particular item or all the items supplied by a particular supplier.

You can:

  • Highlight a stock item by supplier and see the supply details and order history for that item.
  • Open a related workspace with the content already filtered. For example, if you want to view the supplier details for a stock item, select the item (using the check box) and choose Actions > Supplier Account Enquiry. The Supplier Account Enquiry workspace opens with the list of stock items filtered.

    Note: This option is not available if you have more than one item selected.

  • Desktop only - Complete related tasks from the list of Actions, such as enter a new order.
  • Sort and filter the list of stock items. Use the filter options to find all the stock items that are supplied by a particular supplier.
  • Find a specific stock item or supplier. For example, use the toolbar filter to find a stock item by code or name or a supplier by code or name.
  • Print a list of the stock items that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of stock items that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.

Stock Quantity Breakdown

Stock Quantity Breakdown is a workspace.

Use this to see information about whether stock items are allocated to a sales order, allocated to a BOM, a sales order waiting for the selected item, or a BOM allocation producing the selected item.

You can

  • Select a stock item and use the drop down list on the lower pane to see whether the stock item is allocated to a sales order, allocated to a BOM, a sales order which is waiting for the selected item, or a BOM allocation which is producing the selected item.
  • Desktop only - Complete related tasks from the list of Actions, such as view stock item details or amend a works order or BOM.
  • Sort and filter the list of stock items. Use the filter options to see information such as stock items by product group, or items that are on order.
  • Find a specific stock item.
  • Print a list of the stock items that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of stock items that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.

Stock Quantity Breakdown With Work Orders

Stock Quantity Breakdown With Works Orders is a workspace.

This provides information about stock items that are associated with works orders.

You can:

  • Highlight a stock item and see whether the stock item is on order, allocated to a sales order, allocated to a works order, allocated to a BOM, a sales order waiting for the selected item, a works order waiting for the selected item, a works order producing the selected item or a BOM allocation producing the selected item.
  • Complete related tasks from the list of Actions, such as view stock item details or amend a works order or BOM.
  • Sort and filter the list of stock items. Use the filter options to see information such as stock items by product group, or items that are on order.
  • Find a specific stock item or order. For example, you can use the toolbar filter to find items by stock code, name or product group.
  • Print a list of the stock items that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of stock items that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.

Stock Item List

Note: This is a workspace equivalent to the desktop list in Sage 200.

Use this to see a list of all your stock items.

You can:

  • Open a related workspace with the content already filtered. For example, if you want to view the transactions for a specific stock item, select the item (using the check box) and choose Actions > Stock Current Transaction Enquiry. The Stock Current Transaction Enquiry workspace opens with the list of transactions filtered for the selected item.

    Note: This option is not available if you have more than one row selected.

  • Desktop only - Complete related tasks from the list of Actions, such as amending an item, allocating or adding stock.
  • Add a memo to an stock item. Select the item (using the check box) and choose Actions > Add Memo.
  • Sort and filter the list of stock items. Use the filter options to find information such as stock items by product group, all stock items in a certain locations, stock items by movement type or a combination of these.
  • Search for a specific stock item. For example, use the toolbar filter to find a stock item by code or item name.
  • Print a list of the stock items that you are interested in.
  • Export the list of stock items that you are interested in to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Run related reports.